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1.29.23 Kyle Dingus – Modern Day Miracles

Kyle Dingus – Modern Day Miracles Excerpt

Modern Day Miracles – Alright.  Good morning Everyone.  So great to be with you this morning family.  I want to take a second while we’re getting the chair situation situated.  I feel very convicted after I listen to those songs.  And I’m thinking about when God moves things happen.  And the calling for our soul to do something with it.  I know right now in this church, in this world, and in this country, there is a whole lot of hurt that needs heeling that needs to happen.  I want to start by just by saying a quick prayer for all the things that are happening right now.  And if you didn’t know Mark, the reason he’s back there playing guitar.  He has Belle’s Palsy so half of his face is paralyzed right now.

We ask for your healing Lord

I mean, I say that to say that we all have things going on right now.  A prayer for healing across the board is important.  Lord we come to you today.  We don’t have tons of answers, we don’t have any answers.  I think in all of us we are wanting more of you.  We’re wanting to hold onto you in all things we are doing.  And we realize one of the things that make that hard is whenever life is hard.  We hear about the passing of Don Spencer.  We pray that you be with his family and give them rest and comfort and healing.   I pray that you be with Mark and what he is experiencing right now.

In this world thinking about Tyree Nichols and what happened in Memphis and that whole situation.  Thinking about what’s happening in Ukraine and the war that’s going on there.  Lord we just need your healing.  This world needs your healing.  We as a church needs your healing.  We as individuals need your healing.  I pray that your healing come and help us to see your goodness, your faithfulness, and your power.

Upside Down Kingdom and Modern Day Miracles

Good morning family.  I am so happy to be with you today.  If you are a visitor, thank you so much for joining us.  This is a really wonderful group of people.  You are going to see a little snapshot of that today.  If you have questions about how to get involved, or you want to learn more about this church.  Tap someone on the shoulder or look for someone who has these name plates.  They’ll be able to give you more information about what is happening here at Fourth Avenue.

So today, we are continuing our series on Luke on the Upside Down Kingdom. It is called the Upside Down Kingdom because when Jesus steps onto the scene, he flips everything upside down.  The way we have done things in the past isn’t the best way.  It is not his way.  Today we are talking about the healing of Jesus.  It is hard to open in the Gospel and not see a story of Jesus healing people. They are just sprinkled everywhere.  You see Jesus heal people of all sorts of things.

For the entire podcast see below.