Love God. Serve Others. Share Jesus.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I arrive and where should I park at Fourth Avenue Church of Christ?

You’ll notice signs for paid parking. On Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights starting at 5pm, parking is free to all at Fourth Avenue COC.

Parking is easy, but arriving a few minutes before our 9:30am worship assembly will help in finding a close parking place. Visitors and handicapped parking is available from 4th and 5th Avenue. Several parking lots are available and convenient. A few are mentioned below:

  • Parking lot at 5th Avenue behind Starbucks
  • Parking lot located between 4th Avenue and 3rd Avenue right across the street from front of church building
  • Parking is also available on the street in front of church on 4th Avenue

What is our Mission and Vision for Fourth Avenue?

We strive to be a Gospel-centered church that focuses on helping people trust and follow Jesus.

What should I expect at a Sunday worship gathering at Fourth Avenue COC?

Greeters will welcome you at our 4th and 5th Avenue entrances and an Info Booth is located in the 4th Avenue lobby to welcome you and answer any question about our gathering you might have.

Our assemblies last between 1 and 1.5 hours. We sing praises to God together. We pray for each other and our community. We remember Jesus’ death and celebrate his resurrection through communion. We hear a compelling and relevant message from the Bible.

Children are always welcome in our assembly, but a nursery with caring providers is provided for children from birth to 24 months during our worship assembly. At a designated time during the worship assembly, children from 2 years to 3rd grade are invited to a children’s assembly where they can worship and learn on their own level with trusted supervision. Follow the others down the stairs and someone will be glad to assist you. Note to parents of children ages 6 mos. through 5th grade: First-time drop-off will require short registration at drop-off site. (Click here for information form.) Recurring visits simply require signing in at kiosks provided in central locations.

Following after our worship assembly, Bible classes meet from 11:00am to 11:45. These include various classes for all ages and stages of life on Bible-based subjects to help you in your walk with God. We hope you will want to join one of these classes and let us get to know you. Please check at our Info Booth in the 4th Avenue lobby for information on classes.

What do I wear?

You are welcome at Fourth Avenue just as you are. You’ll see ties, dresses, t-shirts, jeans and everything in between. Whatever you’re comfortable wearing is what we want you to wear to Fourth Avenue COC! We believe that it’s the attitude of your heart that matters to God rather than your physical appearance.

Fourth Avenue Church of Christ. Frequently asked questions. Where Should I park?

How do I become a member of Fourth Avenue COC?

To begin a conversation with a church leader and learn more about the vision and values of our church, call the church office at 615-794-6626.