Love God. Serve Others. Share Jesus.


And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. –Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

Fourth Avenue Intercessory Prayer Ministry

The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is embedded in the fabric of Fourth Avenue Church. We believe that we were designed to be in relationship and communication with the Creator and that He delights in meeting His people in prayer. Our purpose as a ministry is to create an atmosphere and opportunities to draw each person into their own personal, empowering relationship with the Father. Below are some ways in which Fourth Avenue Prayer Ministry makes these opportunities available.

  1. Family Prayer Time – Sunday morning during worship, there is time set aside to spend time in prayer. Shepherds and their wives, staff members, and the prayer team are available to pray with those who request it. (Approx. 9:45am Sundays)
  2. Bible Class time – A shepherd and his wife is available in the Lemmons’ Prayer Garden during the Bible class hour. This is a quiet, confidential space to pray, talk, and just have some uninterrupted time with a shepherd. (Approx. 11:00am-11:45am)
  3. Sweet Hour of Prayer – This group is made up of men and women. All are invited to spend an hour first thing Monday morning with Albert Lemmons in prayer and devotional. (6:00am Mondays)
  4. Blue Card Prayer Ministry – Blue cards are available in the pew racks to fill out with needs you would like someone to pray for. These cards are collected each week and prayed over by a group of Prayer Leaders. These blue card prayers are held in confidence. (Team meets Wednesdays in the Lemmons Prayer Garden at 6:00pm)
  5. Corporate Prayer – A group of people meets each week to pray over our city, our families, our church, and anything else that they wish to cover in prayer. All are welcome. (Wednesdays 6:30pm in classroom #312-314.)
  6. If My People – A group of people meets monthly in the Lemmons Prayer Garden to pray on behalf of our nation. Included in this time is “Pray Nashville” in which we have committed to pray for our city each month in prayer. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. (First Sunday of each month at 8:30am in the Lemmons Prayer Garden)
  7. Prayer and Fasting Ministry – Members are encouraged to choose one day each month (for example, the 15th of each month) to pray and fast for Fourth Avenue. All are welcome to participate.
  8. Various Prayer Events – Periodically throughout the year we have events that we create or participate in that we believe will bless our church and our community. Some of these include 24/7 Prayer prior to Easter, Lent season Devotional book written by our church, prayer at the Police Station and/or Sheriff’s Department, “Prayer on the Square” every Friday at noon in downtown Franklin, community-led prayer walks, etc. We also have provided prayer support for our Capital Campaign, consisting of worship events, prayer walks, all night prayer tent, among other things. All of these events are open to everyone.

PRAYER – KYLE DINGUS – May 19, 2024