Love God. Serve Others. Share Jesus.

Small Groups at Fourth Avenue

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them –Matthew 18:20

Who Are Your People?

One of the most important questions you will ever answer is this: Who are your people? Who will you choose to bring into the center of your life—to shape and be shaped by them? Who will walk with you through difficult moments and who will celebrate your greatest joys? We want to help answer this life-changing question.

Cup of tea for group meetings

Simply put, to fully experience what God is doing at Fourth, we encourage everyone to be connected to some group small enough to know and be known by others. Here are several options, in addition to our Adult Classes.

Life Groups

A Life Group is a small gathering of people, usually in homes, who meet together regularly to create a safe place for people to belong, grow spiritually, and learn to make a difference in the world using each person’s unique gifts and passions.  Groups gather by location, life-stage or other interests.

Discipleship and Covenant Groups

Another great opportunity to grow is to band together in groups of three to twelve people who intentionally help each other follow Jesus and grow to be the best version of themselves.

Here are three resources for helping to start your own discipleship group:

  • Head, Heart and Handshere is a very brief introduction to a balanced, adaptable, less-structured approach to intentional spiritual growth for groups of about 3 to 6 people
  • Discipling Handbook: a wonderful overview of discipleship from North Boulevard Church dealing with everything from vision and preparation to organizing groups, in a short 20-page pamphlet
  • Discovery Bible Study Approach: a simple, but more structured approach that combines relationship connection and practical exploring of Scripture; see here for an overview of the model and here for 54 different themes and guides for a wide variety of needs and demographics

Men’s & Women’s Offerings

See our Women’s Ministry and Men’s Ministry pages for groups, resources and connections specific to these ministries.

Grace Marriage

See our Grace Marriage Ministry for groups focused on enriching and deepening your marriage.