Love God. Serve Others. Share Jesus.


Women’s Ministry Coordinators:

Jo Barnhill –

Willie Charpentier –

Donna Wright –

So glad you found us! We are excited to share information about Women’s Ministry here at Fourth Avenue. God’s Word is central to all that we do in Women’s Ministry.

Here are some opportunities where you can get connected:

  • Fridays At Fourth – Fall and Winter morning Bible studies
  • Fellowship gatherings throughout the year
  • Quarterly service projects
  • Women Of Worth – Single women whether widows, divorced, or never married, meet together quarterly for fellowship and encouragement

WOW Ministry

Otherwise known as Women of Worth, this ministry is an outgrowth of the widow’s ministry that has grown to include other single women whether never married or divorced. We find our worth in being betrothed to Christ, preparing to be His bride. We have quarterly gatherings throughout the year for fellowship, support and encouragement. Our facilitators are:
Carl Baughman:
Nancy Baughman:


On the fourth Wednesday of each month for 3 hours in the morning, a small group of us meet at a local church to cook and pack food for folks in our community who are in need of meals. If you enjoy cooking and fellowship, please consider joining our team—you pick your Wednesdays!
Donna Wright:


Leaving the Cocoon exists to assist incarcerated women in the Nashville, TN, prison. We provide mentors, one-on-one lay counseling, and Bible study. In order to go into the prison, you must do some training and get a volunteer badge.
Oak Cottage for Women are 2 transitional homes in Franklin.  They house ex-offenders who are given a chance to start their lives anew. LTC provides many volunteer opportunities for those who are interested in mentoring, driving ladies to appointments, taking a lady to lunch, attend Bible classes, Celebrate Recovery classes, meal sharing, etc.
Vicki Helgesen: